Bento Block Quilt
Soooo............. Now that I have completed Jane's quilt, I am inspired to complete a quilt of my own. About 3 years ago, my daughter Denise thought it would be fun for the three of us (Denise, Dawn, and I) to make a quilt a year. One for each of us. The idea was the person whose quilt we were creating, select the pattern, and color. Each would shop for fabrics and work on our assigned blocks, then when we came together (Denise lives in Florida, Dawn and I live in NJ) we would assemble the blocks. The final assembly would be left to the person whose quilt it was going to be. The consensus was that MOM would be the first to have a quilt made. So, I selected the pattern, Modified Bento Block. Gave my daughters a piece of the fabric from my bedroom drapes, and off we went! One of things not discussed was the 1/4 " seam. We each created a block with a quarter inch seam, but believe it or not, they were not all the same 1/4". I was very discouraged as the squares did not line up as per the design, so I put the blocks aside for almost 2 years. I am a perfectionist, a Type A, in fact I always referred to myself as a double A! Since retiring I can honestly say I am down to an A minus. Completing Jane's quilt and realizing that perfection does not always mean "PERFECT". That the overall look is far more important, in other words, the big picture! So one night I laid all of the blocks out on the floor. (with Abby my dog, jumping around on them) and I located the smallest block among the group and decided on a final size for all of the blocks. I then measured and rotary cut them all. Then began assembly. I am pretty happy with the completed top, and will be moving on the assembling the back and quilting it.
Abby-Licious! |